Rules & Regulations

The following event rules and guidelines are intended to help produce and direct our event in a manner that will ensure the safety of all participants, meet the requirements of local government permits, and be compliant with applicable USA Track & Field (USATF) regulations for participant performance records and event liability. Your cooperation is greatly appreciated in helping everyone to enjoy race day.

  1. Registrants must be capable of completing the full race distance (Marathon/Half/Quarter), from start line to finish line, passing through every aid station, within the event cutoff times. Any runner still on the course after the finish line closes at 2:15pm MUST follow all state and local traffic signals, and will be proceeding at their own risk.

  2. Participants must meet the following Marathon / Half Marathon Aid Station cutoffs:
    Mile 1.7 — 7:55am (Marathon only)
    Mile 3.1 — 8:20am (Marathon only)
    Mile 4.9 — 8:45am (Marathon only)
    Mile 6.8 — 9:20am (Marathon only)
    Mile 8.0 — 9:35am (Marathon only)
    Mile 10.6 — 10:15am (Marathon only)
    Mile 12.6 — 10:45am (Marathon only)
    Mile 15 / 1.9 — 11:15am (Marathon / Half Marathon)
    Mile 17.1 / 4 — 11:45am (Marathon / Half Marathon)
    Mile 19.6 / 6.5 — 12:30pm (Marathon / Half Marathon)
    Mile 21.6 / 7.7 — 1pm (Marathon / Half Marathon)
    Mile 23.2 / 9.9 — 1:20pm (Marathon / Half Marathon)
    Mile 24.9 / 11.8 — 1:45pm (Marathon / Half Marathon)

    The Finish Line closes at 2:15pm

  3. Participants must stay on the official course and follow the instructions and directions of course marshals, safety officials, and law enforcement officers at all times. It is the responsibility of each participant to know the course and follow the appropriate course markings. Participants who leave the course will be automatically disqualified. Please see the course map to familiarize yourself with the course before race day.

  4. All races are chip-timed and each runner’s time will start when your bib crosses the start line timing mat and will stop when you cross the finish line timing mat. We ask that contenders for top finisher prizes position themselves near the front of the race at each start line.

  5. Due to other runners and members of the pubic, wildlife, and vehicular crossings along the course, we discourage the use of headphones for everyone’s safety. If you insist on wearing headphones, please stay aware of your surroundings by using only one earbud or jawbone conduction headphones. No external speakers are allowed.

  6. Spectators are asked to remain off the course and/or in designated spectator areas during the event.

  7. Registration fees are non-refundable and deferrals will not be granted, except as follows: If you become pregnant, or adopt a child, after registering and cannot participate, you are able to defer your race entry for up to 2 years. To defer, you must email us no later than 30 days prior to race day.  

  8. If you attempt to sell your race number, you may be banned from future events.

  9. We suggest that all runners be at least 18 years of age to participate in these events. Anyone under 18 years old must have a signed release from their parent or guardian.

  10. You must be in good health and physically prepared to take on the challenge of a Marathon, Half Marathon, or Quarter Marathon.

  11. The course is open at all times to the general public, including walkers, bicyclists and vehicle traffic; please be courteous to those individuals who are not race participants, staying to the right and yielding pathways and/or roadways if/when necessary.

  12. Please yield to emergency vehicles and other official and non-official vehicles, if necessary.

  13. You must show photo ID to receive your race number and timing chip. If you are picking up for another runner, you must show a copy of their photo ID or a printed or digital request from them authorizing pick-up.

  14. Official race numbers, with a timing chip, are required to participate and must be worn at all time while on the official course.

  15. Participants may not use bikes, in-line skates, skateboards, or baby joggers during the event and are not allowed to run with a dog while on the course.

  16. All races are cupless to minimize waste. Each participant must dispose of any trash at the designated aid stations along the course or risk being disqualified.

  17. Participants understand that there are inherent dangers (storms, forest fires/smoke, lightning, flooding, domestic animals, debris, cattle drives, etc.) with road running events in the mountain west that are beyond the organizer’s control. The organizers of the Jackson Hole Marathon Races reserve the right to cancel the race(s) should any situation present a danger to the environment, participants, staff, vendors, safety officials or motorists, and participants fully understand that refunds may not be issued, particularly for natural disasters and events out of the organizer’s control.

  18. Participants understand that domestic and/or wild animals may be present on the course and are advised not to approach such animals. The race organizers are not responsible for injuries that occur on the course as a result of encounters with these animals.

  19. Participants agree to allow email correspondence, for race related updates, via a broadcast email platform.

  20. It is of the utmost importance that you have a really, really good time!